
Sunday, September 11, 2011


10 years ago today I was 1 day overdue with my first baby. I was still in bed when Stephany called and told me to turn on the TV. We stayed on the phone and watched the news in disbelief all morning. I couldn't help but think how different the world would be for the child I was carrying. No longer did the feeling of "No one would dare take on the USA" exist. However, in the days and weeks following that day Americans patriotism was strong and we as a nation came together. So many people risked and lost their own lives that day to help others. We as a Nation did not give up. Instead we came together and prayed for our Nation, as we should have been doing all along! That is the lesson I hope my children take from 9/11. Yes, it's a different world these days but God is the same! He wants us to pray for our Nation today as strongly as we did on 9/12/01!